Canvas Printing

Unleash Your Inner Artist with Stunning Canvas Prints!

Transform your cherished memories, breathtaking landscapes, and artistic visions into jaw-dropping masterpieces with our exquisite canvas printing service. At PRINTOGA, we blend creativity and craftsmanship to deliver a canvas experience like no other.



Our custom canvas prints are mounted on museum quality stretcher bars produced at sawmills that use sustainable practices.


These personalized canvas prints have anti-shrinkage and anti-warp properties thanks to kiln-dried stretching frames.


You can expect to receive beautiful, vibrant printing on our high quality canvas stock, just like our printed canvas rolls. Our canvas prints on solvent ink printers and the canvas is acid free.

Display Your
Cherished Memories

Our framed canvas printing services is perfect for full color family portraits, pet images, baby images, graduation images and much more. All sizes can be easily ordered to perfectly fit your wall-space. Contact us today to discuss canvas printing and enjoy the difference quality makes.


Numbered Tickets

Text 519.222.9099 for a quote
PRINTOGA's Numbered Ticket Printing: Where Organization Meets Professionalism! Experience the convenience and professionalism of PRINTOGA's Numbered Ticket Printing service. Whether you're hosting events, managing raffles, or tracking access, our numbered tickets are the perfect solution. We offer precision printing that ensures every ticket is clear, crisp, and uniquely numbered for easy organization and control. With customization options for your branding and event details, our tickets add a touch of sophistication to any occasion. Quick turnaround times and competitive pricing make it a breeze to get your tickets ready on time and within budget.


Text 519.222.9099 for a quote
Banner Brilliance: Making Statements, Creating Impressions. At PRINTOGA, we understand the power of visual communication. That's why we offer a diverse range of high-impact banners to help your message shine. Whether you're aiming for a big presence at trade shows, grabbing attention at outdoor events, or making a statement in a compact space, our banners are designed to meet your needs with style and versatility.


Text 519.222.9099 for a quote
Captivating Content, Cover to Cover. Booklets are a great choice for catalogs, expanded product or services information, manuals, reports, programs and more. Booklets are printed on spreads (4 finished sheets per spread) . After printing the sheets are collated together in order, folded in half and saddle stitched (stapled) in the center to create a finished booklet. We will happily work alongside you to ensure the booklet you visualize comes to life. Whether you're looking for the classic 8.5x11 format or the sleek 5.5x11 size, our expert team specializes in crafting booklets that inspire, inform, and engage.

Digital Signage

Text 519.222.9099 for a quote
Digital signage doesn't have to be complicated or expensive. PRINTOGA lets you use any TV, or monitor to get your message across in an attractive way. Easily display your latest offers, specials and discounts, feature-products, hours/contact and much more. We supply the hardware needed to display your digital signs and design your image slideshow or motion graphic presentations.